Quality Policy
February 6, 2022 2022-06-23 5:59Quality Policy
Academic Quality
Our approach to quality management is about identifying mechanisms of increasing and improving learning
opportunities made available to students while maintaining expected quality and standards. It is crucial that this approach is not only look at as a ‘top down’ process, but also a ‘bottom up’ approach where ownership of quality begins within program and module levels.
The Academic Quality Policy is based on the following principles:
JLI awards are set at the appropriate level and are developed with reference to the quality standards laid out by the swiss EduQua. Activities which support the maintenance of academic standards include external representation on validation and review panels, external examiner arrangements and programme monitoring, including analysis of data on student achievement.
JLI quality processes rely on the institute employing professional, competent and trusted manpower. As such the main purpose of the quality system is to provide assurance and to continuously enhance, rather than provide systems to prevent failure.
Continuous enhancement
Staff are required to be participative in reflective practice and critical self-evaluation. Sharing of good practice, and acknowledging the ideas of others, are key to continous quality enhancement.
Responsibility for quality is shared by all staff and students. The power to make decisions should be exercised at the right level, and people are enabled to exercise executive responsibility for specific processes where this is a part of their job description. Students have a responsibility to provide their views via their program representatives, through participation in quality management processes such as program level surveys.
The institute is accountable to its stakeholders for the quality and standards of its academic provision and awards. The Academic Board has overall accountability for the quality of academics.
Responsiveness and resolution
The institute is committed to responding in a time bound manner to the concerns of all stakeholders, including students, staff, external examiners, employers, accreditation bodies, regulatory agencies etc., and to the quick resolution of issues.