February 20, 2022 2024-09-11 4:08Fees
We are well known for our affordability!
Calculate Total Fees
Please use this calculator to calculate the fees that are applicable to you for any given program. The amount displayed by this calculator is the total amount you will pay. If you are opting for an installment payment plan, then the actual total amount payable might be slightly higher due to additional administrative charges.
You may also calculate the fee applicable to you on the program specific webpages.
Fee Calculator 2023/24
Our commitment to access and affordability is well known. Tuition assistance is available for applicants from low income countries by means of a lower tuition fee.

Fees and Funding
We are known for our affordability when compared to other European schools. Some limited scholarship and financial assistance options are available, primarily for master's level programs.
Did you know?
Our fees are about 65% lower than comparable european schools.