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Clinical research industry is booming

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Clinical research industry is booming

The drug market flourishes with new drugs every month or year and with the onset of discovery of new drugs and development to operate effective treatment regimes, a good number of clinical trials are required to support these novel and useful treatments and medicines.

From pioneering trial design to exhaustive subject recruitment strategies to assure delivery of competent and complete clinical study reports, companies in clinical research are toiling hard to guarantee novelty in their processes and conduct as to what could help them carry out global clinical research endeavors. Clinical research companies are a great means of support to biotechnological, pharmaceutical, medical devices and stem cell research companies.

To prove a fact that Clinical research industry is booming, here are a few to confirm the reality and expectations. Emergent with time the clinical research industry in India was $150 million in 2006 and has been mounting at a compounded yearly growth rate of 40% from the past 3 years. It is said to reach up to $800 million by 2013 end.

The bottom line is there is a strong need for clinical research services, particularly so in certain therapeutic areas and there are no indications of a slowdown for at least in the coming year or so. In reality, the same industry report estimates the global clinical research sector that is bound to touch 30.6 Billion US dollars by 2015. Clinical research industry is booming!  Give yourself the opportunity to achieve a career that is lucrative & certainly opportunistic in its approach.

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