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Farm management and Measures to Improve Farming Productivity


Farm management and Measures to Improve Farming Productivity

Future agricultural progress depends on decreasingenvironmental risksand improving the quality of productive management by adjusting decisions-making with the changing environment.

Farm management

Management and implementation of decision-making process at farm level involves organizing and operating for higher productivity and maximum profit.Farm managementinvolvesagriculturaleconomics to draw information on market prices,agriculturalpolicies and economic institutions for purpose of leases, credit and loans. It is the collective term for various processes, management methods or strategies employed to increase productivity and profitability of a farm. It includes soil, plant and animal sciences for extracting information on soils; seed and fertilizer; control methods for weeds, insects or pests and diseases; rations and breeding; agricultural engineering for crop drying, farm machinery and buildings; irrigation, drainage and erosion control systems; understanding psychology and sociology ofhuman behaviour.
Managing farms hastens decision-making byintegratinginformation from physical, biological and social science. Farm management expands research and development enlarging market opportunities; improves transport facilities, facilitates supplies and improves natural resource management, encouraging environmental protection and opens wider area for decision making andmanagerial choices in agricultural sector.
The concerns related to farm management may differ from farm to farm.
Farm Management System

Measures to Improve Farming Productivity

Top concerns of management are choice of farming system, degree of specialization chosen, size of operation and method of financing. The elements of emerging stream of technology based products promise to improve yield of crop and livestock at low cost; increase availability of products at relative low prices and costs change; attract employment opportunities to acquire farm labour. Increasing operating scale of output and specialization allows acquisition of satisfactory income. Procuring, supervising and managing farming workforce to meet the demand and supply conditions of hired labour through contractual arrangements are of critical importance. Soils are tested for any source of nutrient deficiency that can be responsible for unproductive soil. Weather risks from floods, drought, prospective yields and price changes can be constant concerns in farm management. Other major management concerns include increasing crop and livestock yields; reducing production costs with emphasis on levels of pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer procured; determining optimal size of collectives; improving labour incentives; conservation of water and soil in crop production.
Management of farm requires capital, land and human resources; technological applications; social and political arrangements. The modern equipments and machinery, levels of education and training available to farmers ensure better management of farms and increase in productivity. Techniques and methods to increase crop yield include efficient crop management; field scouting, seasonal soil and crop rotation practices; proper irrigation and water drainage systems. Possible measures to increase crop yield, crop production and income include efficient scheduling of land preparation, plantation and harvesting; use of early maturing crop varieties, seedbeds and transplanting operations for intensive land through multiple cropping; selection of methods to control diseases, insects and weeds; efficient use of irrigation and fertilizers.

Online Course at JLI
James Lind Institute (JLI) will soon be launching Agriculture related courses to understand on modern agricultural practices.
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