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Healthcare Management Courses in Tanzania

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Healthcare Management Courses in Tanzania

Healthcare Management Courses in Tanzania :- Tanzania is one of the sub-Sahara nations experiencing a rapid growth of urban population varying between 7% and 10% and resulting in population size 0f 35,000,000 people. It covers an area nearing 946,000 km (sq) 21 regions in central land and 5 regions in Zanzibar 134 districts in Tanzania.

Tanzania could able to create exhaustive framework of hospital facilities rendering nearly 90% of the people with at least one health care facility with- in a radius of 10km. Non-Governmental Organizations and private players play a key role in the smooth functioning of the Tanzania Health Sector. Put together there are nearly 220 hospitals 480 HC and 4680 dispensaries in existence to cater the healthcare and hospital management needs.

Tanzania like any other developing country still faces the difficulty of healthcare waste management (HCWM). The prime reason for this comprise: the increased production of HCW due to the rapid expansion of healthcare services mainly in urban areas due to drastic population growth, constant immunization drives for measles, tetanus and TB, practice of disposable syringes and needles to control the spread of HIV/AIDS. It resulted in a potential health risks to health care staff, surroundings and population at large.

Thus, the administration of Tanzania and the World Bank approximates that certain aspects of the Health care project’s services may result in an increase in the ecological and health risks. Improper management of HIV/AIDS infected equipments does not only a cause of risk for HCF staff but also for civic workers engaged in waste handling as well as for families and street kids who scavenge on dump yards.

Healthcare Management Courses in Tanzania :- In the recent past, Tanzania has seen an increasing rate of growth in medical tourism. Then again an expanded consciousness of health around Tanzania Tanzania along with their improved economic standards is totaling up to the mounting demand for superior healthcare facilities. Consequently, the Tanzania healthcare industry is increasing manifold and has a pressing requirement for Healthcare Management professionals. James Lind Institute recommends Online Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare and Hospital Management in Tanzania for those who are willing to carve a decent career in health care sector. 

Healthcare program in Tanzania

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