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Online MPH in Zambia

Masters Public health

Online MPH in Zambia

Major source of public health issues and epidemicsin Zambia is due to poor environmental sanitation. New integrated approach to providebasic primary healthcare services and preventive medication is promoted in Zambia. Translation and dissemination of knowledge in public health through consultancy, education and research influences disease prevention and control in Zambia.

Public Health in Zambia

Most of health conditions in Zambia arewater and food bornediseasesrelated to poor environmental sanitation that includedysentery,cholera and typhoid. The challenges in public health include inefficient management due to highly centralized decision making; high attrition rates from pre-service training; inadequate funding of training institutes and lack of teaching staff; fewer graduates and deterioration in the overall quality of health workers; high health worker morbidity and mortality due to HIV/AIDS. Strategies and policies of Zambian Ministry of Health is aimed at systematic surveys, censuses of staffing and distribution, expansion of training capacities in institutions and strong partnerships between key stakeholders in private sector, local communities, civil society, government organizations and co-operating partnersof the health sector.
Public health activity in Zambia is promoted to achieve effective research, surveillance, human resource training and policy development. The core functions of public health activities include developing and utilizing applicable skills of health professionals; implementing health programs that increase quality of life; prioritizing research that contributes to public health and policy; monitoring and evaluating diseases and risks to public health. Improving the key resource base of national workforce can effectively combat public health problems in Zambia. The main goal outlines to promote research and advanced learning, disseminate knowledge without discrimination and provide opportunity of acquiring higher education among professionals trained in Environmental Health, Bioethics, Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Family Health Policy and Management to Physicians, Demographers, Scientists, Nutritionist, Biostatisticians, Health Specialists and other Health professionals.

Online MPH Programs

Online Master of Public Health provides a career and position to develop, plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate public health programs and services. Online MPH program offer theoretical strategies and research techniques that address public health challenges of qualitative and quantitative statistical methods of analysis utilized in public health practice; reliability and validity of measuring research design and implementation; epidemiological approaches to explore disease and injury patterns in a population; ensuring framework analysis and implementation of healthcare policies; recognising competing components or factors of public health service delivery; assessing legal or ethical healthcare issues for improvement in healthcare processes; implementing collaborative evidence based plan to address public health problems.
The online generalist program for healthcare professionals examines national standards of public health curriculum that emphasizes on psychological, behavioural and social factors influencing population based health disparities; environmental public health concepts; principles of epidemiology and biostatistics; public health administration systems or processes. This degree program teaches problem solving, law and ethics, biostatistics, health promotion and better understanding of public health issues.Healthcare professional through masters degree can hold a responsible position in healthcare facilities, health departments, health policy and planning organizations, social service agencies, universities, community based health education and nongovernmental organizations, international health organizations, healthcare companies and other health promotion settings.
Online Course at JLI
James Lind Institute (JLI) provides an online program – Master in Public Health (MPH) to pursue a career in the field of public health.
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