Pharmacovigilance Training
September 4, 2013 2013-09-04 13:13Pharmacovigilance Training
Pharmacovigilance Training
Pharmacovigilance is the division of science relating to to the detection, inference, understanding and evasion of unfavorable effects, chiefly long and short term detrimental effects associated with medicines. In broader sense, it deals with collection, monitoring, estimating and analyzing information from medical service providers and patients on the evil effects of allopathic, biological and herbal medications and unconventional medicines. The need for pharmacovigilance training can be better understood by the global industry size and worth attached to it.
The global pharmacovigilance market worth was estimated at nearly US $190 million in 2008 and is anticipated to touch US $ 2,260 by 2015. Presently, India is the fourth biggest producer of drugs in the world and therefore is in an excess of medicinal brands with more than 6,000 licensed drug manufacturers and in excess of 60,000 accepted formulations. The industry needs for pharmacovigilance professionals is in alarming rise and the need for pharmacovigilance training is evidently proving worthy.
If a novel drug is proving to be effective, it will be continued in the marketplace and those that are proved detrimental are withdrawn from the market. After a detrimental side effect is recorded, the pharmacovigilance personnel will enter the event in appropriate databases, and forward these reports to applicable regulatory authorities and other relevant bodies. It is compulsory for all pharmaceutical companies to pass-on the safety data produced by pharmacovigilance professionals to submit to regulatory authorities on customary basis. This scientific intensive profession requires focused training and many institutes are now offering pharmacovigilance training globally, but one need to be choosy.
Bench marking tough laws by applicable regulatory authorities viz. EMEA, US-FDA, DCGI, etc. has forced to the functioning of a disciplined pharmacovigilance construct universally. This in addition has predisposed the conception of huge number of jobs opportunities in this area.
Novel drugs will always strike markets and the information to be compiled will grow huge and consequently the job market will surely grow!