Sexual and Reproductive Health – Nigeria
April 5, 2018 2018-04-05 9:15Sexual and Reproductive Health – Nigeria
Nigerian Perspective on SRH from a Global Point of View
Globally we stand at crossroads. You may ask the reason why. At one juncture we are growing in terms of knowledge, empowerment, and education and in other we are declining in these very same terms. India is a developing country which has shown a step towards empowerment of women though it has taken its own slow paced time of 50 odd years post its independence.
However, a large number of countries in the African belt even after their independence of 100 odd years are still struggling. Nigeria however, leading regarding its abysmal education of the population in general regarding sexual and reproductive health. Agreed that it’s been less than 20 years for a democratic rule for Nigeria but it’s sad as the knowledge about sexual and reproductive health forms a basis for the future generations regarding education, employment and basically development in totality. Greater the population, poorer the resources more the external funding required and lesser the growth and development of the nation.
Nigeria has all the resources and potential to invest in public health initiatives for a better and advanced healthcare system. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has shown that Nigeria registered a 1.92% Real GDP Growth for the 4th quarter of 2017 in comparison to 1.40% in the 3rd quarter of 2017 and a decrease of -1.73% in 4th quarter of 2016.
Sexual and Reproductive Health in Nigeria
It is imperative that all men, women and especially adolescents have the proper access to sexual and reproductive health services and centers with trained individuals to impart knowledge regarding safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning. Nigeria still shows a high rate of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, poor contraceptive prevalence, rise in sexually transmitted infections and many other associated health challenges. It is sad, that such challenges of poor sexual health services and other initiatives in the country will not be met in the face of such stark poverty and hunger across the nation. Nigeria is a country where the major socio-cultural dominance is of men. It doesn’t make an iota of difference what women want or wish to achieve. Thus, it is even more important to change the mindset of men regarding sexual and reproductive rights as the men play a major role in this regard. At the same time, Government is taking few initiatives in regards to promoting and educating sexual health among adolescents resulting in unwanted pregnancies, unsafe-abortions, and high morbidity.
Online courses in Sexual and Reproductive health
James Lind Institute provides an opportunity for clinicians, nurses, public health professionals, volunteers and graduates looking to upgrade their knowledge about sexual and reproductive health by contributing towards the community, national and international goals. A highly focussed program is offered (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health) online which is tailored towards providing all the requisite knowledge for implementing programs based on sustained development goals for sexual and reproductive health.