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Journalism with a medical Twist

Medical & Scientific WritingMedical JournalismScientific Writing

Journalism with a medical Twist

Journalism is a way we receive information about diverse subjects and can be political, environmental or cultural or current affairs however when we dig deeper into our newspaper, electronic media and see information related to healthcare we are actually dealing with Medical Journalism.

For a layman you don’t need a specialist to write news or articles; any individual who has a flair for writing can do so. However, apart from the interest you also need knowledge of the field and when it comes to healthcare it is of utmost importance as the community is affected at large. News, good or bad spreads like wildfire so it becomes pertinent that health related information is properly researched which would only be possible if you have the right tools, education, and guidance to hone your technical skills about such topics. Medical data can at times be perplexing even for individuals from the same field thus a skill which a trained medical journalist must acquire is to disseminate the medical information in a way which is not only interesting but also comprehensive and lucid for a layman to understand and implement if the need be. It is surprising to know that majority of information in print regarding healthcare as per medical professionals is either fabricated, half-baked truth or at times a figment of the imagination of the author in question. It’s primarily the reason why publication houses are looking for trained professionals with some amount of medical background to provide legitimate ethical articles with accurate information which would be of benefit to the masses obtaining such information from varied sources. The reason for the articles to be of ethical importance is primarily because a large amount of journalism is pharmaceutically funded which leads not to biased and misconstrued reporting which indirectly hampers the growth of the medical industry by providing a unidirectional view. A medical journalist has to imbibe the qualities of a true professional and seek to rise above commercialism providing quality reporting.

How to attend a Professional course in Medical Journalism?

James Lind Institute provides you the opportunity to take your flair for writing and community service to the next level by imparting truthful and unbiased healthcare news to the public. The institute provides an extensive program offering Professional diploma in medical journalism. It is suitable for individuals looking to diversify into the field of medical journalism providing ample opportunities working in news agencies, print and electronic media, scientific journals, publication houses, medico-marketing companies, and social media.

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